?壹 葉 知 秋?

室內(nèi)設計 · 居住空間


2021/08/17 4492

?壹 葉 知 秋?“見一葉落,而知歲之將暮;睹瓶中之冰,而知天下之寒;以近論遠?!薄痘茨献印ふf山川》“壹葉知秋”,取其形、用其意,將辰光、矚目、脈絡、靜怡等關鍵詞相結(jié)合融入本次設計,細微之處顯深遠,意猶未盡。"One leaf knows autumn", taking its shape and meaning, and combining keywords such as Chenguang, attention, veins, and Jingyi into this design, the subtleties are far-reaching and the meaning is far from being complete.現(xiàn) 代 大 都 會 風 格適合追求精致生活的人群,我們希望通過本次設計,賦予空間在彰顯時代氣脈的同時,又能突出時尚氣質(zhì)、高端凝整的觀感以及與眾不同的品味。Modern metropolis style is suitable for people who pursue exquisite life. We hope that through this design, we will give the space to show the spirit of the times, but also highlight the fashionable temperament, high-end condensed look and feel and distinctive taste.設計以實用、舒適為根本出發(fā)點。從視線安排、動線設計、格局尺度、大自然元素的引入以及各種收納設計方面,處處融入現(xiàn)代大都會風格理念,使空間有種沖突的美感,敢于表現(xiàn)又有些內(nèi)斂,兼具理性與感性的風格,足以解釋現(xiàn)代大都會風格的內(nèi)涵。The design is based on practicality and comfort. In terms of sight arrangement, moving line design, pattern scale, introduction of natural elements and various storage designs, the modern metropolitan style concept is incorporated everywhere, giving the space a kind of conflicting beauty, daring to express and a little restrained, both rational and sensuous The style is enough to explain the connotation of the modern metropolis style.客廳:彌足珍貴美好的陽光,渾然天成的優(yōu)雅,加以明亮大氣的落地窗使整個空間看起來格外和諧??臻g開闊,裝飾精簡,遵循“少即是多”的設計原則,運用留白造就意韻。沙發(fā)選用素白與淺咖的搭配顯得高貴冷靜,橙色的融入又讓空間多了一份高級和熱情。The precious and beautiful sunlight, the natural elegance, and the bright and atmospheric floor-to-ceiling windows make the whole space look particularly harmonious. The space is wide, the decoration is simple, follow the "less is more" design principle, and use the blank to create the charm. The combination of plain white and light coffee on the sofa looks noble and calm, and the integration of orange gives the space a more advanced and enthusiastic.餐廳:大理石餐桌、高級灰花器、玻璃酒杯、透視強烈的裝飾畫都在向我們訴說屋主人的優(yōu)雅與品味,入世但是脫俗。Marble dining tables, high-grade greyware, glass wine glasses, and decorative paintings with strong perspective are all telling us the owner's elegance and taste.主臥:主臥的色彩純粹、線條簡潔利落??臻g有種沖突的美感,一個讓你活躍或者安靜的空間,兼具理性與感性的風格,最能代表現(xiàn)代都市人鮮明的自我主張。聽你喜歡的歌,讀你最愛的書籍,品味生活,搖晃著紅酒杯,伴隨優(yōu)美的旋律,讓這種極為現(xiàn)代的風格變得具備一種雋永的意味。The master bedroom has pure colors and clean lines. The space has a conflicting beauty, a space that makes you active or quiet, and has a rational and emotional style, which can best represent the distinctive self-assertion of modern urban people. Listening to your favorite songs, reading your favorite books, savoring life, shaking red wine glasses, accompanied by beautiful melodies, makes this extremely modern style with a timeless meaning.老人房:臥室注重家居舒適感與實用性的居家美學觀念,通過高級皮革、石材、金屬、實木等材料的拼接鑲嵌,呈現(xiàn)出更具價值感的空間氛圍。The bedroom pays attention to home comfort and practical home aesthetic concepts. Through the mosaic of high-grade leather, stone, metal, solid wood and other materials, it presents a more valuable space atmosphere.兒童房:我們以色彩烘托空間氛圍,也以色彩構筑空間屬性。男孩房的設計極具時尚感,以藍色為空間主色調(diào),用橙色的點綴對比來延續(xù)空間的活力。懸掛的星球吊燈、桌面上的飛船裝飾畫與擺件讓童真的氣息填滿了整個空間。We use color to accentuate the atmosphere of the space, and also use color to construct the spatial attributes. The design of the boy room is very fashionable, with blue as the main color of the space, and the contrast of orange embellishment to continue the vitality of the space. Hanging planetary chandeliers, spacecraft decorative paintings and ornaments on the tabletop fill the space with a childlike atmosphere.好的設計,不是堆砌或是繁復,而是潛入生活本身,本著對生命本源和生活本真的熱愛與探索,深度挖掘與覺察客戶真正的需要與訴求,打造賦予生命情懷的生活方式。Good design is not about piled up or complicated, but to sneak into life itself, with a deep love and exploration of the origin of life and life, dig deeply and be aware of the real needs and demands of customers, and create a life style endowed with life feelings.項目名稱:金科中交辰光T4洋房Y-G戶型樣板間及公區(qū)項目項目地址:重慶開 發(fā) 商:金科地產(chǎn)項目類型:批量精裝樣板房項目面積:樣板間-96.17㎡、公區(qū)-47.55㎡軟裝設計:樹美國內(nèi)設計中心完工時間:2020年06月項目攝影:帝成傳媒.大勇軟裝設計師:錢燕霞