
室內(nèi)設(shè)計 · 居住空間



2021/12/02 3304

提及極簡空間,總被冠以空洞、冷淡、克制之感。 為了打破刻板印象,設(shè)計師從細(xì)節(jié)入手,以黑白灰為主基調(diào),同時加入質(zhì)感溫潤的原木材料,既保留了簡約、空靈的意蘊,又為生活注入了煙火氣,讓“家”的品質(zhì)和情感升溫。 設(shè)計師希望業(yè)主從踏入家門開始就感受到空間的溫度,洗盡鉛華,回歸生活,宛如進入與世隔絕的桃花源。 When it comes to minimalist space, it is always crowned with a sense of emptiness, coldness and restraint. In order to break the stereotype, the designer starts with details, takes black, white and gray as the main tone, and adds warm log materials, which not only retains the meaning of simplicity and ethereality, but also injects fireworks into life and warms up the quality and emotions of "home". The designer hopes that the owner will feel the temperature of the space from the beginning of stepping into the house, wash away the lead, and return to life, just like entering an isolated peach blossom land.