产品设计 · 生活用品


2022/11/06 3050

CUBE is divided into two parts, one is tall and the other is short, which provides space for two kinds of pens. Interestingly, when we use a shorter pencil, we will unconsciously put it in a short pencil holder to facilitate use on next time and avoid waste. We give it translucent material to make it more elegant and breathable, concise and bright is its characteristics. cube 分为两部分,一高一矮,分别为不同长度的笔提供使用空间。有趣的是,当我们使用完较短的铅笔,会无意识的放到矮的笔筒里,方便下次使用,避免浪费。我们赋予它半透明的材质更让它优雅透气,简约坚实是它的特质。