
室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì) · 售樓部設(shè)計(jì)



2021/08/17 5515

本項(xiàng)目位于僑鄉(xiāng)江門·開(kāi)平。地處開(kāi)平梁金山與開(kāi)平人民公園交匯之地,地理位置相當(dāng)優(yōu)越。是當(dāng)?shù)刈罹哂绊懥Φ拈_(kāi)發(fā)項(xiàng)目之一。有人民公園、金山湖等優(yōu)美秀麗的生態(tài)人文資源環(huán)繞。我們接受委托方設(shè)計(jì)其樣板房、營(yíng)銷中心以及整體景觀設(shè)計(jì)。尚璟營(yíng)銷中心是包含建筑與室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)的項(xiàng)目。我們將其整體歸納在“空間設(shè)計(jì)”系列。因?yàn)槲覀冋J(rèn)為內(nèi)外結(jié)合一并思考是對(duì)空間最佳的考慮。在既定的條件(功能和造價(jià)等)下,建筑造型需要服從于銷售(及后續(xù)使用屬性)為目的的室內(nèi),并對(duì)空間采光、通風(fēng)、使用流線等進(jìn)行優(yōu)化。The project is located in Kaiping, One of the hometowns of overseas Chinese. It is at the intersection of Liangjinshan and Kaiping people's Park, which is a place full of merits. Surrounded by a multitude of beautiful ecological and cultural resources, such as Kaiping's largest municipal park and Jinshan Lake makes it one of the most influential local development projects. We are commissioned to design the architecture, interior and overall landscape design of the residential area.We prefer to consider it in a whole space design. Because we think that through the combination of internal and external, common thinking is the best plan for space.Given the conditions (function, cost, etc.), the optimization of building shape, lighting, ventilation and use streamline of indoor space is deemed as an approach to achieve the best sale.屬性,attribute作為銷售道具而存在的空間,營(yíng)銷中心在吻合當(dāng)?shù)鼐唧w銷售模式的前提下,以渲染品牌為核心任務(wù);空間特殊性、差異性和優(yōu)化體驗(yàn)為次級(jí)訴求;接待功能完整為基本任務(wù)。本建筑作為營(yíng)銷中心的使用周期為3-4年,空間同時(shí)需要具備日后改建成臨街商業(yè)的功能性。以上所有,意味建筑體外立面需要以商業(yè)臨街建筑外立面為藍(lán)本,盡量減少二次修改建筑體構(gòu)造為原則;在兩三個(gè)月的建設(shè)周期內(nèi)完整呈現(xiàn)本場(chǎng)所。而我們?cè)诖隧?xiàng)目的興趣點(diǎn)在于,如何在以上限制內(nèi)呈現(xiàn)出最好的體驗(yàn)空間;經(jīng)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)考察發(fā)現(xiàn),若以原結(jié)構(gòu)進(jìn)行營(yíng)銷中心設(shè)計(jì),空間會(huì)被原結(jié)構(gòu)柱影響體驗(yàn),而且1.5層的構(gòu)造會(huì)讓空間顯得狹窄。經(jīng)我們建議后,甲方同意在減少二次改造及以銷售中心空間體驗(yàn)優(yōu)先為前提,進(jìn)行對(duì)建筑結(jié)構(gòu)的優(yōu)化。As the space for selling props, the core task of marketing center is to play up the brand concept and tension on for the sake of conforming to the local specific sales mode. The service life of the building as a marketing center is 3-4 years, which means that the external facade of the building needs to be coordinated with the external facade of the Commercial Street building, with the principle of reducing modification, and present the site completely in two to three months. Our interest lies in how to present better space under these restrictions;It is found that the original structure has many structural columns that affect the spatial experience, and the structure of one and a half floors will make the space appear crowded. After our suggestion, client agrees to optimize the structure.空間概念,concept我們的做法是,what we do1.優(yōu)化結(jié)構(gòu),跨度加大,保證室內(nèi)空間不會(huì)被柱子打斷節(jié)奏;2.凈空優(yōu)化,柱距優(yōu)化后同時(shí)優(yōu)化梁體的高度,保證室內(nèi)空間不會(huì)被橫梁打斷節(jié)奏;3.優(yōu)化凈空后,建筑外立面的采光面加大,增大展示玻璃的伸展度和高度;利用好建筑正立面朝西的特點(diǎn),盡量吸納更多自然光,使之能搭配室內(nèi)的空間和材質(zhì)達(dá)到最佳效果;4.空間在1,2步后得出一個(gè)完整的長(zhǎng)方體空間,解決了狹長(zhǎng)的空間帶來(lái)的不便;5.劃分好平面分區(qū)后,因應(yīng)空間高度作出空間秩序重構(gòu),以灰空間的形式劃分三維空間上的分區(qū)。讓分區(qū)更有立體感。What we do 1. Optimize the structure, increase the span, and ensure that the indoor space will not be interrupted by the structural column rhythm;2. Ameliorate the space of Headroom. Ensure that the interior space will not be interrupted by the structural beam rhythm;3. Expanddaylighting surface(area) of the building's exterior facade, and increase the extension and height of the display glass; more natural light will be absorbed as much as possible to match the indoor space and materials to achieve the best effect by using the characteristics of facing west;4. Obtaina complete cuboid space by finishing 1st and 2nd steps, which solves the inconvenience of the original narrow space;5. Dividethe plane partition and reconstruct the spatial order according to the height of different space, to make the partition more three-dimensional. 空間內(nèi)部, interior view用不同材質(zhì)界定不同空間的存在感Distinguish different spaces with different materials材質(zhì),material為了讓空間質(zhì)感更加純粹,濃郁而又不失爽朗,我們引入了綠植要素增添生氣。我們同時(shí)選用了線、面作為形態(tài)的不銹鋼鋼材,配搭更大塊面的木料作為主要裝飾要素;In order to exhibit the purity of space, we used the materials which texture is rich and refreshing. At the same time, green plants are utilizedto vitalize(invigorate) the space. We choose stainless steel in the form of line and surface, and wood with larger surface as the main decorative elements;質(zhì)感,texture在塊面感和線條感如此強(qiáng)烈的視覺(jué)沖擊下,并不會(huì)讓人覺(jué)得冰冷難以接近,因?yàn)樵诠饷娌讳P鋼材質(zhì)的反射下,戶外綠植景觀的景象被吸納進(jìn)了室內(nèi)空間,為了更加增添綠趣,我們甚至把綠植帶入了室內(nèi)。在有序而無(wú)機(jī)的材料和有機(jī)而無(wú)序的植物交融下,空間變得不再局限。The strong visual impact caused by block and line sense would not chill people and hinder them from approaching the space, because the outdoor green plants are showed on surfaceof smooth stainless steel reflects. Green plants become a part of the interior spaceThe combination of orderly and inorganic materials and organic and disordered plants makes the space no longer limited.功能應(yīng)用,the commercial application in the sales space意境, artistic conception透過(guò)筆直的不銹鋼鋼材,我們要表達(dá)出的不只是秩序之美,在純粹的背后,更多是為了突出細(xì)膩的排布與環(huán)境交融之美。如絲般順滑,入紙般感覺(jué),在這基礎(chǔ)上以豐收的香檳金色作為主調(diào)。簡(jiǎn)單直接也不失溫柔。Constructing by the straight stainless steel, not only the elegance of order butalso the glamour of delicate arrangement and the beauty of the blend ofenvironment are demonstrated. On this basis, it takes the golden harvest of champagne as themain tone. Simple, direct and gentle.項(xiàng)目名稱:尚璟營(yíng)銷中心 NAME:SHANGJING SALES CENTER室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì):筑睦設(shè)計(jì) INTERIOR DESIGN:ZHUMU ARCHITECTRUL外立面設(shè)計(jì):筑睦設(shè)計(jì) FA?ADE DESIGN: ZHUMU ARCHITECTRUL完工年份:2019 COMPLETION: 2019材料:不銹鋼飾面、不銹鋼構(gòu)架、橡木、瓷磚、大理石MATERIAL:STAINLESS STELL WOOD TILE MARBLE 面積:680㎡AREA: 680㎡建筑所在地:江門·開(kāi)平LOCATION:JIANGMEN.CHINA業(yè)主:泰和集團(tuán)CLIENT:GUANGDONG TAIHE GROUP主創(chuàng)設(shè)計(jì)團(tuán)隊(duì):胡耀英、吳艷儀、陳永林、DESIGNER:BAN HU/ KATE WU / LIN CHEN攝影版權(quán):胡耀英PHOTOGRAPHY COPYRIGHT: BAN HU