
室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì) · 商業(yè)空間



2021/08/17 4878

The project includes two bespoke gentlemen's wear shops, located on Zhongshan Road in Dalian city and Harbin Road in the development zone. The client hopes that they will progress at the same time and have the same tonality.“深木英倫風(fēng)”。并且從風(fēng)格的角度來(lái)說(shuō),我們不喜歡以一個(gè)名字定義一個(gè)風(fēng)格的創(chuàng)作手法,例如“美式鄉(xiāng)村”、“法式田園”,這些普遍都是符號(hào)的堆砌,而不是對(duì)具體空間感受的探討,我們希望我們的設(shè)計(jì)結(jié)果不應(yīng)該是用一個(gè)籠統(tǒng)的詞匯概括的,而應(yīng)該是飽滿的、立體的、難以一言以蔽之的。First of all, the positioning of the brand is younger suits, facing younger customers, so we will not consider the general "deep wood British style" at the beginning. And from the perspective of style, we don't like to define a style by one name, such as "American countryside" and "French garden". These are generally the stacking of symbols, not the discussion of specific space temperament. We hope that our design results should not be summarized in a general vocabulary, but should be full and multidimensional.“英倫風(fēng)”,畢竟西裝不是中國(guó)文化的自然產(chǎn)物,如果我們硬性拔除這種“俗成印象”,可能會(huì)讓人感覺“不像”,進(jìn)一步會(huì)影響消費(fèi)行為,所以我們還是希望空間中有些“歐范兒”的影子。我們對(duì)一個(gè)年輕化的空間首先考慮的就是簡(jiǎn)潔的感覺,簡(jiǎn)潔的東西也往往容易顯得很男性化,而我們希望在這種男性化的感受中再找到一些柔和,更符合現(xiàn)代年輕人的氣質(zhì),就像一個(gè)暖男?!皻W式感”,而簡(jiǎn)化后的拱券同時(shí)具備簡(jiǎn)潔和柔和?!昂?jiǎn)化的拱券”作為空間線索,將空間的動(dòng)線穿起來(lái),塑造一個(gè)“暖男空間”。People have the habit of thinking, and this habit of thinking is also a part of space experience. For example, when it comes to customization, people will unconsciously think of "British style", after all, suits are not a natural product of Chinese culture. If we remove this kind of "conventional impression" rigidly, it may make people feel "strange" and further affect their consumption behavior. So we still hope that there will be some "european style" in the space. Our first consideration for a younger place is the sense of simplicity, simple things also tend to be very masculine,and we hope to find some softness in this masculine feeling, it is more in line with the temperament of today's young people, like sweet men. Arch is a common European architectural element, after geometrized, some thing interesting may appears, and the simplified arch has both simplicity and softness. So we use the "simplified arch" as the spatial clue, it puts the flownline of the space together, a "spaceofsweetmen" created.“盒子”,我們將它進(jìn)一步簡(jiǎn)化后加了一個(gè)發(fā)光雨棚,晚上這里會(huì)是一個(gè)溫暖的街角。The first store is located in the most prosperous area of Dalian. Its facade is a square "box". We further simplified it and added a luminous canopy. It is a warm street corner at night.“歐式”的影子。The store is a little bit small, and the entrance area is a space for exhibition and talking area. We organize it into a group of staggered arches. On the top of the center, we designed a luminous arch rib with geometric language, which is more or less Gothic. We hope it has some "european style".這里的桌椅我們也都選擇了不銹鋼和亞克力的材質(zhì),這樣感覺更輕盈、現(xiàn)代、年輕化,空間中突出的主體還是產(chǎn)品。We also choose stainless steel and acrylic materials for the desks and chairs here, which makes them feel lighter and younger. The protagonist in the space is still products.從入口空間進(jìn)入內(nèi)部空間我們希望人們的感受也是越來(lái)越溫暖,就像一個(gè)人的氣質(zhì),越接觸越發(fā)現(xiàn)“它”是個(gè)“暖男”。From the entrance space to the interior space, we hope that people feel more and more warm, just like a person's temperament. The more they come into contact, the more they find that "it" is a "sweetman".In addition to the space temperament, we focus on the necessary functions for further communication in the process of customized service, where customers and shop assistants can discuss every detail of customization.“小驚喜”。In addition, we also set up some "little surprises" in the space.There may be some small gifts for the guests here.這里從墻面里拉出一些面料和配飾方便定制挑選。Here we pull out some fabrics and accessories from the wall to facilitate customization and selection.我們把店里的一些特殊刺繡工藝做成相框放在桌上隨時(shí)展示。We make some special embroidery crafts into picture frames and put them on the table for display.開發(fā)區(qū)店位于委托人集團(tuán)公司樓下的臨街商鋪,這里的原貌就是一排被一個(gè)個(gè)“鉆石切割形”柱子分割開的商鋪,委托人希望我們能將店鋪外立面設(shè)計(jì)的與相鄰商鋪不要太脫節(jié),于是我們首先保留了這些“分割柱子”。由于這里朝南,白天陽(yáng)光會(huì)暴曬室內(nèi)的產(chǎn)品,所以我們從功能角度考慮直先接做一排遮陽(yáng)棚。The second store is located in the street shop on the ground floor of the client group company, the original appearance here is a row of shops divided by "diamond cut" pillars, the client hopes that the facade design of the shop will not be too out of touch with the adjacent shops, so we kept these "dividing pillars" first. As it faces south, the sun will be exposed to indoor products in the daytime, so we consider from the functional point of view to make a row of sunshades.櫥窗部分除了展示產(chǎn)品,我們希望它也能更通透,從外面就能直接看到室內(nèi)的“暖男”氣氛,而室內(nèi)由于有一些原有結(jié)構(gòu)的限制,拱形關(guān)系不能和外立面對(duì)位,我們就干脆把它們做成不同的節(jié)奏,這樣走在街上向室內(nèi)看反而有種特殊的動(dòng)感。In addition to displaying the products in the window, we hope it can be more transparent, so that we can directly see the "sweetmen" atmosphere in the room from the outside. However, due to the limitation of the original structure, the indoorarch can not be opposite to the facadearch,so we just make them into different rhythms. Walking on the street welookinto indoors, it has a special dynamic.室內(nèi)的前廳空間挑高較高,我們用一個(gè)整體的拱券貫穿整個(gè)空間,這樣模糊了天花和墻面的界限,讓左側(cè)產(chǎn)品區(qū)的背景更加簡(jiǎn)潔,突出產(chǎn)品,右側(cè)幾何化的“發(fā)光拱肋”,繼續(xù)延續(xù)“哥特式飛券”的形象感。The space of the front hall is very high. We use a whole arch to run through the whole space, which blurs the boundary between the ceiling and the wall, and makes the background of the left product area more concise and highlights the products, The geometric "luminous arch rib" on the right continues the image of "european style".里面的男裝區(qū)繼續(xù)延續(xù)“進(jìn)一步溫暖”的空間感受。The men's area inside continues the space feeling of "warmer".內(nèi)部的走廊和前廳圍合成一個(gè)環(huán)形動(dòng)線,這個(gè)走廊將女裝區(qū)、女裝量體區(qū)、團(tuán)購(gòu)區(qū)、修改區(qū)穿了起來(lái),這里的每個(gè)“隔間”我們都希望客人有種想要停留的感覺。除此之外,我們也希望這樣沒(méi)窗的空間反而更有趣。The inner corridor and the front hall form a circular flownline. This corridor integrates several functional spaces. We want our guests to feel like they want to stay in each "compartment" here. Besides, we also hope that this windowless place will be more interesting on the contrary.產(chǎn)品展柜是空間的核心,我們?cè)谶@里也設(shè)計(jì)了多層次的燈光,加上更現(xiàn)代的展示方式,更加烘托產(chǎn)品的品質(zhì)。The product display cabinet is the core of the room. We have designed multi-level lighting here. With more modern display methods, the quality of the products is more enhanced.衛(wèi)生間是一個(gè)空間品質(zhì)體現(xiàn)的重點(diǎn)之一,我們希望這里也很酷。The toilet is one of the key points of space quality, and we hope it's cool as well.