
室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì) · 別墅



2021/08/17 4975

我們希望我的設(shè)計(jì)呈現(xiàn)的結(jié)果是盡量簡(jiǎn)單的,不是簡(jiǎn)約而是簡(jiǎn)單,這種簡(jiǎn)單是種質(zhì)樸、純粹。我們一向不喜歡堆砌的東西,我們喜歡不啰嗦的力量感,所以我們做設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)常克制,空間中做的減法不是目的,目的是希望更直接的傳達(dá)感受,就好比手畫草圖是最容易表達(dá)想法的,而一個(gè)空間落成后怎樣才能有一張草圖的力量呢?我們希望找到這種感覺。We hope that the result of my design is as simple as possible, not concise but simple. This simplicity is a kind of plain and pure. We always don't like the things that are piled up. We like the sense of power without verbosity. So we often restrain my design. The subtraction in space is not the purpose. The purpose is to convey feelings more directly. It's just like sketching is the easiest way to express ideas. How can a space have the power of a sketch when it is completed? We want to find that feeling.該項(xiàng)目位于北京市朝陽(yáng)區(qū)的一處河畔,北靠小河,東西環(huán)樹,南臨草地和馬路,再遠(yuǎn)一些就都是高樓大廈和住宅。這里幾乎是城市中的桃花源,我們希望留住這種清凈的感受,希望改造的結(jié)果就像一頁(yè)紙落在一片草地上,干凈、輕盈、清靜。The project is located on a riverside in Chaoyang District, Beijing, with rivers to the north, trees to the East and west, grasslands and roads to the south, and farther surrounded by high-rise buildings . This is almost a source of peach garden in the city. We hope to retain this feeling of peace and quiet. We hope that the result of the construction will be like a page of paper on grass, clean, light and quiet.從功能上說這里是一個(gè)私人會(huì)所,主人自己辦公、休閑,偶爾招待下朋友。所以我們首先從私密性的角度出發(fā),將室內(nèi)劃分為由公共向私密漸進(jìn)的空間動(dòng)線。首先最公共的區(qū)域就是入口、走廊和茶室,這里的茶室就好比一個(gè)客廳,視線通透、光線充足。這里也是我們?cè)诮ㄖw量上做的唯一一個(gè)“大動(dòng)作”,將建筑“切開”,讓這里極致通透、公共。外立面其他位置我們只是進(jìn)行梳理、建立秩序,是一種“不做動(dòng)作”,而“必要?jiǎng)幼鳌蔽覀兙拖M菢O致的。Functionally speaking, this is a private club where the host works, relaxes and occasionally entertains friends.Therefore, from the perspective of privacy, we first divide the interior into a progressive spatial dynamic line from public to private. First of all, the most public area is the entry-corridor and tea room, the tea room is like a living room, with clear vision and sufficient light. This is also the only "big action" we do on building, cutting the building, making it extremely transparent and public. The other positions of the facade we just sort out it and establish order, which is a kind of "no action", and "necessary action" we hope it is the ultimate.茶室室內(nèi)視線既可以看見前院,也能取景后河,抬頭能看見天空,空間感受是敞亮了,但夏日容易暴曬,所以我們做了一組電動(dòng)遮光簾。Tea room indoor sight reach not only the front yard, but also the back river. Looking up, we can see the sky. The space feeling is bright, but it is easy to expose to the sun in summer. So we made a set of electric shade.入口走廊連接著整個(gè)平面的所有房間,是使用率最高的空間,我們希望它白天是明亮白凈的,陽(yáng)光好的時(shí)候在這里仿佛時(shí)間都能靜止。到了晚上我們希望它光線不要太強(qiáng),這樣才能從室內(nèi)看見院子,而不是視線被光映的看不出去,所以我們只在墻上做了較暗的條形壁燈,從形式上也呼應(yīng)了外立面“切開一個(gè)縫”的視覺感受。The entry-corridor connects all the rooms on the whole plane and is the most occupied space. We hope that it will be bright and white in the daytime, and when the sunshine is good, it seems that time stops here. In the evening, we hope that the light is not too strong, so that we can see the courtyard from inside, or our sight will be blocked by the light, so we only made a darker strip wall lamp, which formally echoes the visual feeling of "cutting a gap" on the external facade.從室內(nèi)入口進(jìn)來,左側(cè)都是公共性強(qiáng)的空間,比如餐廳。我們希望它的自然光少一些,這樣餐桌才能亮起來,與此同時(shí)墻上也有氛圍燈,強(qiáng)調(diào)下中式圓桌就餐位置的方向感,除此之外越簡(jiǎn)單越好。From the indoor entrance, public spaces are on the left, such as dining room. We hope it has less natural light, so that the table can be lit up. At the same time, there are ambient lights on the wall, emphasizing the sense of direction of the position of the Chinese round table. Besides, the simpler the better.這里最私密的空間就是書房和臥室,這里除了基本功能以外還有一個(gè)相對(duì)獨(dú)立的專屬后院,院子里可以種點(diǎn)花、養(yǎng)點(diǎn)魚、偶爾燒烤,閑暇時(shí)候在這打把傘、喝口茶,清凈安逸。The most private space here is the study and bedroom. In addition to the basic functions, there is a relatively independent and exclusive backyard. In the yard, you can plant some flowers, raise some fish and occasionally barbecue. In spare time, you can take an umbrella, drink tea, it is clean and comfortable.